2025 Wayne Winter Hiking Challenge
January 20th -March 15th
Visit 6 of 8 parks to complete the challenge!
Annually soon after the turn of the new year, in collaboration with Through the Woods, Local Roots likes to help promote movement and wellness for ourselves and our community through the Wayne Winter Hiking Challenge!
In collaboration with:
Co-sponsored by:

a sponsorship in support of:

Local Roots has always focused on being a health-centered anchor of this community. What we consume is an essential part of the foundation for a happy, healthy and productive life, which is why we work to keep our food offerings simple: fresh, minimally processed, and made with ingredients everyone can understand. By our nature, we are always striving to take better care of our community, and that effort extends beyond selling you food. We are a Co-Op.
In February and March of 2021, we branched out our marketing efforts and took time to focus on our community's healthy options beyond Local Roots. One of these efforts was the Wayne Winter Hiking Challenge!
Challenge Details:
This challenge is a great way to get rewarded for staying active and finding moments of rejuvenation in nature during the cold winter months! The challenge is for hikers of all ages and levels. Nature is for EVERYBODY! Make it your own hike, go at your own pace.
We have put together a brochure listing 8 different parks in or near Wayne County. Hikers must visit 6 of the 8 parks between January 20th and March 15th, 2025 to complete the challenge. This brochure is available for download and print below, or for pickup at the checkout counter at Local Roots. Challenge finishers can fill out their brochure and drop it off at Local Roots when they are done. They will then receive a $10 gift card to Local Roots per household and a specialty challenge sticker per hiker. By completing the hiking challenge hikers are also automatically entered into the drawing for a Wayne Winter Hiking Challenge Raffle! Additionally, on the back of the Hiking form are bonus activities. Each bonus activity completed adds an additional entry to the raffle. Keep an eye out for updates on the raffle prize!
We would love to hike along with you - on social media use the tag #WayneWinterHiking and/or tag us in your posts so we can follow along! Every Friday of the challenge on social media we will share some snapshots of our hikes, highlighting one of each of the 8 parks every week.
If you have any questions on the challenge, feel free to reach out to Kate@localrootswooster.com. Happy Hiking, we'll see you on the trail!
Photo Contest:
We are very excited for our first ever Wayne Winter Hiking Challenge Photo Contest! We love hiking along with you on social media and enjoy the photos you share, so we wanted to celebrate the challenge and the creativity of our community with a photo contest this year. Here's how it works:
Hikers can submit up to 3 photos taken while on their challenge hikes in nature anytime before March 15th. Submissions can be made digitally by sending the files to Annie@localrootswooster.com, or by dropping off physical copies at the market. If submitting physical photos, place your printed pictures in an envelope and write Attn: Annie Yoder, your name, and contact info (email or phone #) on the envelope.
We have a panel of 3 photographers who will be judging the contest, Chrissy Utt, Emily Speelman, and Tina Knight. They will select one winner whose photo will be displayed at Local Roots until May 15, 2025. The winner will also receive a $50 gift card to Local Roots that has been donated by one of our co-op members who is also a fellow artist.
Winner will be contacted after the challenge is completed, then announced on Monday March 24th in our email newsletter and on social media.
Questions? Email Annie@localrootswooster.com